House Cleansing is a technique that is used to clear any negative energy or spirits that maybe in your home. Your home should be a place where you feel at peace, relaxed and happy but sometimes you may become aware of negative energy or spirits in your home. You may have just moved into a house, not knowing its history or there maybe negative energy attached to the land? Whatever the situation, a house cleansing is a great technique that allows for you to make your house a home again where you can relax and enjoy some inner peace.
If you've just moved into a new space, you should cleanse your home of any negative energies that may still be there from the previous owners. Or if you've just gone through a break-up, had a big life transition, or you're just in a funk - clearing bad energy from your home can help. But how do you know if you have negative energy in your home, and how do you clear it out?
Signs you have bad energy in your home:
Your home is a reflection of you so being able to detect whether the energy in your home is good or bad is based on how you feel inside it. A house with good energy feels fresh and vibrant - its full of life and you feel good being there. On the other hand, if your home has negative energy you will feel like you are scared, stifled or smothered. You can feel the tension in the air and there are a thousand other places you'd rather be.
Negative energy and stress go hand in hand, so if you're constantly frazzled or feel at the end of your rope, your home could be one of the reasons. If you're not sure if your home has any negative energy of its own, these signs can be an indicator:
Excessive complaining. If you or your family members notice that you are complaining a lot, even when things are going well, you may have negative energy in your home. The same is true if you're struggling to find positivity in your life.
Negative relationships. When the people around you - spouse/partner, children, family and friends - are negative, it's worth observing what kind of energy you're putting out there. Negative energy attracts more negative energy, and it becomes a vicious cycle.
Blaming others. Are any households members always pointing the finger? Negative energy in the home could be preventing them and yourself from looking within to place responsibility to where it really belongs.
Criticism. If there's a lot of criticism with blame, your home could be swamped with bad energy. When you or others in your house send out negative vibrations, you're increasing the negative energy in your home.
Clutter. One of the biggest signs of negative energy in a house is clutter. Clutter blocks the way energy flows through a house, so it could be keeping negative energy in, and making things worse.
Even if you're not picking up on any of these warning signs, that you're dealing with negative energy, its a good idea to cleanse your home when someone has had an argument, been sick, or is experiencing stress at work. Negative energy can seep into your house over time, so its OK to clear it when you feel its needed.
Your home is one place that you should feel safe and secure, but if you open the door and you're practically swimming in a pool of negative energy, you need to cleanse it.